Wednesday 26th April from 12.30pm to 2.00pm.
The Moral Zombie – does the relationship still matter?
The topic of the next learning lunch is the ethics of relational care and these are some of the questions we will try to answer.
The topic of the next learning lunch is the ethics of relational care and these are some of the questions we will try to answer.
- What is the effect of standardisation on the clinician-patient relationship?
- Does the relationship have an inherent therapeutic value?
- What are the ethical implications of relationships, including on patient autonomy?
- What does it matter for our trainees?
We hope to use these sessions to discuss and generate new ideas from within the group rather than delivering pre-packaged information. We’d love everyone who attends to contribute their thoughts – so the sessions will be as interactive as we can make them.
You do not need to register for this event. It will be delivered on Microsoft Teams.
If you wish to attend, you can join it at the link HERE
If you wish to attend, you can join it at the link HERE