“Coaching and mentoring are learning relationships which help people to take charge of their own development, to release their potential and to achieve results which they value.” Connor & Pokora
“Mentors are people who, through their action and work, help others to achieve their potential.” Shea
Who are the members of the Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Hub Team?
Leads – Dr Rabia Ishaque & Dr Neyat Berhane
What are the benefits of coaching and mentoring?
The success of coaching and mentoring is via the establishment of an effective relationship based upon mutual respect, honesty and understanding, combined with structured questioning to enable you to find your own solutions.
Coaching and mentoring can help you to:
Who is coaching and mentoring for?
The offer is completely FREE and is open to ALL primary care staff in Newham.
Our service has been created to put people working within the NHS in Newham interested in receiving coaching or mentoring in touch with trained and experienced coach -mentors.
How to choose the right coach-mentor?
We recognise that the relationships that work best are those where the client is provided with enough information to make the selection of a coach-mentor themselves. An experienced coach will conduct a focused telephone coaching conversation with you to help you choose the right coach-mentor for you. They will usually suggest a coach-mentor whom you do not know and who is from a different area to your own to ensure that your coaching is challenging and completely unbiased. You will have upto four sessions of coaching or mentoring lasting sixty to ninety minutes.
A coach -mentor is “Someone who helps another person to become what the other person aspires to be” – Applebaume et al, 1994.
The programme enables you to talk to your coach-mentor in complete confidence ( within the guidelines of the GMC, EMCC) about areas you would like to explore and develop. The success of coaching and mentoring is the establishment of an effective relationship, based upon mutual respect, honesty and understanding , combined with structured questioning in order to enable the client to find their own solutions. An effective coach- mentor is committed to supporting your development and does not give advice. A coach-mentor will support the client in reflecting on their situation by respectfully challenging the status quo, giving skilled feedback and identifying learning opportunities. The mentor cannot act as an advocate , witness or provide advice on disputes that the client may be involved in. Clients can however be empowered to develop new plans for coping or for develop new opportunities. A list of resources for this are available for you to access on the Wellbeing Hub.
The Coaching, Mentoring & Leadership Hub enables you to work with your coach- mentor in complete confidence about professional, life or career issues. Your coach-mentor will be trained and experienced and will not offer advice, but rather work with you, recognising your own resourcefulness.
Who are the coach-mentors?
The coach-mentors are from Newham’s NHS Primary Care workforce and may be one of the following : GP, Pharmacist, Nurse, Dentist, from Public Health or Manager.
All the coach-mentors have been trained and assessed to ILM standards on the RVA Coaching and Mentoring Programme and have practical coaching experience with quality assurance through supervision and appraisal. Some coach -mentors are working towards or have already obtained the ILM5 certificate in coaching and mentoring.
The coach -mentors are quality assured and use the EMCC ethics. They are trained in diversity and equal opportunities.
How can coaching and mentoring help us during the pandemic?
These are not normal times, so coaching and mentoring will be adapted to your needs.
Globally and locally we have experienced unprecedented stress, trauma, loss, disruption, uncertainty, isolation and socio-economic and psychological strife. The effect of the pandemic on our mental health is significant and challenging.
In Newham, we have been hit hard in all domains. Yet, we have seen positivity, resilience, hope and flourishing. This has been a period of change like no other. Our community has come together in kindness to support of each other’s wellbeing.
Coaching and mentoring is evidence based. It is designed to engender positive and transformative benefits in the clients’ lives.
This opportunity is a gift and expression of gratitude to you, the NHS staff of Newham, for all your hard work and sacrifice. For you are the heroes of the Pandemic.
What are the achievements so far?
What are our plans and aspirations for the future?
Please click here for the Coaching and Mentoring Contract (Terms and Conditions). This agreement is between the coach mentor and the client. Upon application (see link above) for coaching or mentoring, the client is agreeing to these terms and conditions.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Coaching and Mentoring Service , please contact the Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership Team, on the following email address:
Resources Used on This Page
● Rogers J. Coaching skills-A Handbook, 2nd edn, Maidenhead: Open University Press 2008
● Starr J. The Coaching Manual, 4th edn, 2002
● Driver M. coaching positively Lessons for coaches from positive psychology,
Articles and Research papers
● Viney R, Harris D. Coaching and mentoring. In: Bhugra D, Ruiz P, Gupta S, eds. Leadership in psychiatry. wiley-Blackwell, 2013: 126-36
● McKimm J, Viney R. Mentoring . British Journal of Hospital Medicine, February 2010, Vol 71, No.2
● Viney R, Desouza B. Coaching and mentoring skills :necessities for today’s doctors, BMJ , 2014
● Diane Newell -Coaching in a Crisis