Note: Newham Training Hub is not responsible for external sites and all external sites will open in a new window.
Click on the above button to see the current vacancies and their details including application links across Newham.
Apprenticeships help bring valuable skills into your organisation with the government’s support by recruiting an apprentice or utilising apprenticeships to up-skill and retrain your existing workforce. Click on the button above to explore how these apprenticeships can benefit your organisation.
The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) provides PCNs with funding for some of these roles. Click on the above button to explore these roles.
There are over 350 different NHS careers and everyone makes a difference every day.
Whether you’re still in education or thinking about changing careers, you’ll get the information you need. You’ll also find real-life stories and films of NHS staff and students.
You can search for jobs, can view and manage your applications that you’ve submitted on the new NHS Jobs website.
Also, you can search or browse by topic in the NHS Jobs Knowledge Base.
A career in the NHS means you can expect an annual personal development review and a plan to support your career progression.
This gives you the opportunity to identify any training and development needs with your manager, education team or educator. It is a commitment to support people to grow and develop professionally, to reach their full potential.
Everyone needs to know the practicalities before choosing a new career such as where you might work and how to apply, not to mention the pay and benefits!
You can find this and more.
There are more than 350 different careers in the NHS. Many work with patients while others work behind the scenes. What they all have in common is that they make a difference to people’s lives.
To find the NHS careers that best suit you, all you need to do is answer some simple questions.
A Career in
General Practice
Day in the life of a
General Practice Nurse
Life as a
Healthcare Support Worker
Life as a
Life as a
Life as an
Occupational Therapist
A Career in
Being a
Pharmacy Technician
Careers in Primary Care:
Practice Manager
General Practice Team –
Physician Associate
How we can help you? –
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
How we can help you? –
Care Coordinator