COVID-19 – National Information Sources
- Recommended PPE for primary, outpatient, community and social care by setting, NHS and independent sector. CLICK HERE
- Guidance on SYMPTOM CONTROL using non-oral, non-parental routes of medication administration during COVID-19. CLICK HERE
- End of Life Care COVID-19 LEARNING PATH contains sessions relating to COVID-19 that are relevant to those working with patients with palliative and end of life care needs. CLICK HERE
- ACADEMY OF FAB STUFF QI Evidence Update – March 2020, CLICK HERE
- A PLAYLIST has been created due to demand from GPs from across the UK for a couple of videos I recorded to help teach others how create offline Fit Notes and blood test request forms in EMIS Web and text to patients using accuRx. CLICK HERE
- E-LEARNING FOR HEALTH website that is run by Health Education England has put on a number of training programmes. CLICK HERE
- NCL CCG COVID-19 HR update: Health and Wellbeing. CLICK HERE
- RCGP published CPD resources for Covid-19. CLICK HERE
- WHO leaflet, helping children manage stress during Covid 19 outbreak. CLICK HERE
- Contraception and Sexual Health – Offer ORAL contraception from the surgery if appropriate. LARC use extended. CLICK HERE, Self-referral, Telephone appointments only no walk-in clinic, STI Screening (www. for home testing kit – if symptomatic also to book telephone appointment with All East, Emergency Contraception – Oral – surgery can issue or pharmacy under PGD or alternatively self-referral to All East for both EHC or IUD
- Antenatal Services – Advise self-referral through online form CLICK HERE, Or alternatively surgery can refer the patient via eRS, All pregnant women should still receive the pertussis vaccination (at 16 to 32 weeks gestation) – in surgery or at ANC
- Termination of Pregnancy – BPAS, Patients can self-refer by phone or online – BPAS offering surgical TOPs at >10/40 and also offering medical TOPs with “Pills by Post”.
COVID-19 – National Clinical Guidance
Cancer Research UK – Coronavirus and Cancer
Prostate Cancer UK – COVID-19 and Prostate Cancer
Care Home residents
British Geriatrics Society – Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Care Homes
British Association of Dermatologists – Advice for Dermatology HCPs during Covid-19 pandemic
Diabetes on the net – At a Glance Diabetes Covid 19 resources for primary care
British Society of Gastroenterology – Management of IBD during the COVID-19 pandemic
Liver Disease
Eastern Liver Network – Information for people with liver disease and liver transplant patients
Mental Health
NHS – Responding to COVID-19: Mental health, learning disabilities and autism
Multiple Sclerosis
MS Society – COVID-19 and MS
Association of British Neurologists – COVID-19 Guidance for Patients and Carers
RCPCH – Healthier Together: Clinical Pathways
Pregnancy and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists latest advice and information
Renal Association Risk Stratification
British Society for Rheumatology – COVID-19: Advice for Rheumatologists
Versus Arthritis – Calculating risk levels for patients
Addenbrooke’s Rheumatology – COVID-19 Risk Advice for Patients on Immunosuppressant Drugs
Further Reading – Library resources from trusted sources
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) – COVID-19
CEBM/Oxford Covid-19 Evidence Service