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Acne and COPD exacerbation: Reviewing patients on long term/repeated antibiotics

22 November 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


When: Wednesday 22 November 2023 | 18:30 – 19:30 | Online

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand why it is important to review patients on long term and repeat antibiotic treatment for Acne Vulgaris and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  2. Implement the review of long- term antibiotics for acne
  3. Review patients with repeated courses of antibiotics for COPD to better implement prevention measures to minimise exacerbations
  4. Know how to access and use resources to support review of patients on long-term and repeat courses of antibiotics

Who is it for?

Clinicians in the primary care setting including, but not limited to:

  1. GPs
  2. General practice/PCN pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
  3. Practice nurses
  4. Advanced clinical practitioners
  5. Community pharmacists
  6. ICB medicines optimisation teams

Background information:

Antibiotic use is rising and national outcome framework targets are not being met by many PCNs and ICBs1. Antibiotic resistance can be caused by antibiotic overuse, and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) efforts are crucial to enhance appropriate antibiotic prescribing, including the review of patients requiring long term or repeated antibiotics to ensure they are being managed appropriately.

This webinar will look at ways your practice can review antimicrobial prescriptions and identify patients who are on long-term or repeat antibiotics for acne or COPD exacerbations. The speakers will discuss how primary care clinicians can review these patients and consider management options using evidence-based, system-wide interventions. Presenters from clinical teams that have used the resources in practice will provide feed back on their experiences, showcasing resources including those available through the TARGET Antibiotics Toolkit and the acne dashboard2.

  1. According to data from PrescQipp dashboard [Available from:https://www.prescqipp.info/]
  2. In development, will be available on PrescQipp