Monday 13th May 2024, 0930-1630
Holiday Inn Express Newbury Park King George Conference Rooms Ilford IG2 7RH (parking available)
Lunch and refreshment provided
NEL Training Hub are pleased to offer an additional day long workshop on ‘An Introduction to becoming an Anti-Racist Health & Care System’. Health and Care staff working across North East London are invited to this introductory in person workshop introducing Racism in Healthcare services and its impact. The aim is to create an inclusive culture that supports every member of staff to do their best work and thrive. To achieve this, we are keen on supporting organisations address inappropriate or racist behaviour and outdated attitudes and develop an understanding of concepts like privilege and allyship.
By attending this introductory workshop, staff would have:
- explored their understanding of racism, its root causes and how racism is maintained.
- understand how racism shows up (covert and overt) and it impacts on health inequalities.
- explored what it means to be anti -racist and how it differs from business as usual.
- reflected on what it means to develop an anti-racist approach in their work, both for staff and service users – including what support they may need going forward.
Limited places available. Register now as this programme is expected to be popular. Do add your name to waiting list if places are fully subscribed.